Thirty things about me

1. List 5 random facts about yourself.

~I’m extremely insecure about my looks and constantly wish that I could be different
~I love the weird in people, its the only thing that people are most honest about
~ I love vanilla ice cream and hot fudge sundaes
~I taught myself to knit
~I love to paint
2. Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.

~Being alone: I think this became a fear when my parents became divorced finally. They had split a few times and it never really seemed different. Just the way things were I guess. But when they finalized the divorce and my dad moved out, it made me realize that people really do come and go in your life. And it really terrified me. It made me scared to be alone. Honestly, that’s probably why I was always in a relationship. Just to never be alone.

~Terrified of death: I believe in God, and I genuinely believe that I will go to heaven. But I’m scared of what is next. I’m scared of not being able to hold my children, kiss them good night and say that I love you. Scared of not knowing for sure what will happen. Scared of being alone.

~Darkness: I guess that goes along with the whole not knowing whats going on. What’s ahead. Where I am. Being alone. All ties together…
3. Describe your relationship with your spouse.
~We met when I was 20 and he was 24. I just moved to a new place and didn’t know anyone and asked him to show me around. He introduced me to some friends of his at a local bar, and we just played pool and hung out. It was a fun night and we ended up playing Mario Kart at my cabin til the wee hours of the night. I knew from the moment I met him that I was in love. And that he was meant for me. We’ve had our up and we’ve definitely had our downs. But we always pull through it and reinforce each other. We love each other. I think of him when I wake, and when I go to sleep.
4. List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.
~1. None of this matters. the Drama, the heart ache, school…doesn’t matter.
~2. Become more athletic while you can still change your habits
~3. Read. Everything. take the time to just get lost in the world of a book
~4. Find passion in life and live in it.
~5. Love God more.
~6. Push yourself to become what you want to be.
~7. Give yourself a break. you don’t have to be what everyone around you expects. They will love you no matter what. You are in their lives because they want you there. Don’t worry about disappointing them, you can’t.
~8. Sleep more. you really don’t sleep enough
~9.Go to the movies. You’ll miss that freedom when you have children
~10. Take a cooking class.
5. What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?
~my husband
~my children
~ice cream
~Big bang theory
~snuggling during a snow storm
6. If you could have three wishes, what would you wish for?
~To move back home
~To be the stay at home parent
~to worry less
7. What is your dream job, and why?
~Stay at home mom, why not?
8. What are 5 passions you have?
~Hair -Cosmetology
9. List 10 people who have influenced you
~My nana, Barbara
~My mother
~My sister, Sarah
~My step mom, Pegge
~My step sister Rachel
~My mother in law, Cheryl
~Elena-my daughter
~Daniel, my husband

10. Describe your most embarrassing moment.
~I was super pregnant with Andrew, Standing in line for some ice cream at a restaurant at Red Rocks Casino. and I sneezed and farted REALLY LOUDLY! I turned around to see if anyone heard it, and there was a guy standing right behind me with the most disgusted look on his face. It wasn’t pretty. But I, for whatever reason, thought that if I sneezed again that would make it better? god knows. So I did and I just started laughing. It didn’t cover up the fart, just made it more sad. haha. then I got my ice cream and then went and sat down and told Dan and my mom, sister and step dad about it. EMBARRASSING!!!
11. Describe 3 pet peeves you have.
~Bad breath
~not washed hair-gross…wash your hair
~Loud talkers
12. Describe a typical day in your current life.
Wake up at 5:30 am, shower, get dressed and then get Elena up and ready for school. Hopefully get out the door on time for work. Get to work, hopefully get a lunch, work from 8-5 then come home. Make dinner, clean, get everything ready for bedtime. And get everything ready for the next day, and hopefully crash before midnight and get some sleep for the next day.
13. What’s the hardest part of growing up? Loss of certain freedoms. Like being able to just go and do something, example going to the movies, going out, getting tattoos…randomness. Once you have kids, you lose some freedoms, but they make up for it! But you just have so many responsibilities that sometimes bills, and other things come first. And all that other stuff will just have to wait on the back burner til you have time and money to spare.
14. Describe 5  weaknesses and strengths you have.
~Weakness: Insecure about myself
~Strength: Great work ethic
~Weakness: I worry….A LOT
~Stregnth: I can clean, organize and make my house back to normal in less than 5 hours. I’m a master of the clean.
~Weakness: Laziness on the weekends
15. Describe when you knew your spouse was the one or how I fell in love.
Honestly, from the moment I met Dan. I just felt…safe…like home. I can’t explain it. He just always calms me down. And he’s the first person to ever make me feel every emotion all at the same time and yet feel so safe in his presence. I can’t get enough of that man.
16. What are your 5 greatest accomplishments?
~I graduated from school as a junior. I worked really hard and took some extra classes, but I really wanted to prove to myself that I could do it.
~i started a career at 17. I became a cosmetologist, made a name for myself in boulder. and did really well. Then I moved to MN and have since taken a break from hair. I may go back someday…but for now I can be proud of what I accomplished in my three years in boulder!
~My three children.
17. What is the thing you most wish you were great at?
Remembering things about history. I don’t have the best memory bank for that stuff…Dan is a walking history text-book. He knows everything!!! he can tell you about anything and everything at any time in history. It’s like a history lesson at my finger tips. I envy that.

18. What do you think your spouse loves most about you?
~I have no idea….probably that fact that I can multi task…which means I can get the house cleaned and get everything ready in about an hour. And that I bake. I’m sure he loves my baking the most. hahah
19. How did you feel the moment you became a parent?
Overwhelmed with love, stress, responsibility, worry and an extremely feeling of being needed. Intense, but unbelievable. I love my children, from the moment I can feel their little heartbeats in my stomach, little kicks, movements, to the moment they look into my eyes for the first time. I can’t explain the miracle of being a mom.
20. Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood.
~My first time singing publicly, at church for christmas at Ryssby church in Longmont.
~When my parents got divorced
~The first time I stood up to a bully…and paid for it. I hated school…
21. Describe your relationship with your parents.
~Mom: We have become a lot closer since I started having children. We call and talk daily, email while at work . I miss her and wish that she was closer to us so that we could hang out more often.
~Dad: We live in the same town, but don’t see each other much. We used to be a lot closer, but honestly we’re just busy now. I wish that I we had more time to just hang out.
22. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?
5 years: Hopefully we will have found a way that I can be a stay at home mom before my children are all in school. Working on my painting and becoming more like I used to be.
10 years: Elena will be 15 and starting a new part of childhood, Andrew will be 13 and William will be 11…so i’m thinking we’ll be really busy. Trying to be the best mother I can be honestly is all I want to be doing.
15 years: Elena be 20…so probably mid life crisis…hahaha.
23. What’s your favorite holiday and why?
Thanksgiving…I love food…should I say more? haha, it just seems to be the holiday where we can all finally get together. Christmas we all seem to be pulled in so many directions and it just has become too much. So I love thanksgiving.
24. What’s your favorite and least favorite thing about parenthood?
~Favorite: the hugs, kisses and I love you’s. The needed feeling. The I miss you so much feeling. Everything. Little socks and big girl pants. Big tears and scary dreams. Crying when they get hurt, laughing when things are going great. All of it.
~Least favorite: When they get sick and you can’t help them except to just hold them tight and keep them hydrated. When they get hurt and you can’t fix it besides kisses and hugs. All nighters can be rough, but I still like those. There really aren’t many things that I don’t like. Sometimes, I guess it just gets overwhelming. Lots of responsibilities.
25. If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat?
I know that there are lots of people I should want to meet from history, but I would love to meet Madeline Kahn. She is one of my idols. And we would eat…Italian food. I love Italian and plus for some reason that kind of comfort food just makes for awesome conversation food. Wine, noodles, delicious desserts. Yum!
26. What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong?
Beg and you get what you want.
I honestly believe that we live in a society of lazy people. Where people just expect things to be handed over to them, where they don’t feel like they need to work hard to get what they want and need. I’ve always been raised to work hard for what you need. And never give up just because it’s hard. Never expect an easy button because there is no such thing…I honestly could go on about this one…and I don’t really want to go down that ugly path.
27. What is your favorite part of your body and why?
~My eyes. They are the only thing that I honestly feel are truly beautiful.
I have a spoon shaped body, no boobs…all butt. My arms aren’t the best, my stomach is now full of stretch marks and not completely flat anymore. And I don’t like my hair since I got pregnant with William, it’s become weird and wavy. And I’ll be honest, my husband is really good at pointing out what I need to work on with my body. I am a very insecure person as it is…so yeah..not a fan of how I look.
28. What’s your favorite quality in your spouse?
~His honesty and how literal he can be.

29. What are your hopes and dreams for your prosperity?
~I just want to find a way to create peace for myself. I haven’t found a way to incorporate everything. I used to be really into painting, and tattoos, and crazy hair and clothes and just being me. Weird but happy. And now I have a demanding job that I can’t be weird at and a house life where I just can’t be myself….I just want to find peace.
30. List 5 things you would hope to be remembered for
~for being someone who always remembers peoples birthdays like my grandma Sue
~for my baking skills
~for the love I have for my family and friends
~for living in the moment- something I need to work on
~just to be remembered


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